Payment Service Providers

MYPOS 10 integrates to payment service providers including Adyen, Dojo, Elavon, Stripe, Paypal, WeChatPay and AliPay, Klarna, & more*

However and wherever you want to take payments, we can assist, Market Leaders Adyen and Dojo have native intergrations with our latest MYPOS 10 Solution, Adyen and Elavon both integrate with MYPOS8 for Windows.

Our Suite of Web Apps integrate with Dojo, Adyen and Stripe and allow payments via Paypal, WeChatPay, Alipay, Klarna and more*

*payment types offered are subject to contract with the payment service provider and subject to chang, not all payment methods may be available via all payment provides or to all customers

Completely transparent and compliant.

In the UK all merchants and service providers that process, transmit or store cardholder data must comply with the PCI DSS, all of the MYPOS family of Products are fully PCI DSS compliant.

You can learn more about PCI DSS here


Secure Link Services

Secure Link Services is a new standalone order processing & payment solution from the team behind MYPOS Connect, ideal for wholesale delivery operations, membership services and anywhere where 'customer not present' payments are taken, utilising the latest tokenised payment solutions from Adyen, Stripe and Dojo

Click Here to email us* to join our waiting list to be the first to find out more about Secure Link Services

*your email address will be used for SLS waiting list only and will not be sold or used for any other marketing purposes.