MYPOS Connect Portal

Our MYPOS Connect Portal Reporting and Back Office Suite allows near real time access to sales data.

Our Reporting Suite combines real-time* reports and dashboards and has an optional Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence) add on allowing operators to dig into their data and build their own datasets. Reporting can be automated and customised, allowing Custom Reports to be sent to key staff on an hourly, daily or monthly basis.

*access to real-time data requires all client till devices to have an active internet connection

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Safely manage and operate remotely with ease.

The Back Office functionality of the MYPOS Connect Portal allows you to manage and run your EPOS solution completely remotely from any internet connected device, allowing pricing, promotions, products, users, stock and more to be updated in near real-time* , make changes 24x7 no matter where you are!

Back office functionality can be granted to users on a granular level, so you can rest safe in the knowledge that your team only has access to change what you want them to be able to change!


Perpetual Updates & Security

As the MYPOS Connect Portal is web based that means you are always using the latest version, with no need to ever install or update an app.

The Portal is hosted securely in our Private Cloud and features strong password encryption, auto lockout and optional 2 Factor Authentication to keep your data safe