
System Installation And Configuration

Our team travel all over the world to install our EPOS solutions and we can offer a custom installation service to suit your requirements. We can install and configure your EPOS and Payments hardware ourselves, we can hand the installation over to your own IT team or we can assist you remotely to install the hardware yourself.

As part of the installation and training process we offer in person or remote hands on training for you and your team, and provide support and 'hand holding' for your Stores opening/go live.

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Remote System Configuration

Using remote access software that enables us to configure your entire MyPOS Connect system while you watch every click and keystroke.

POS Workstation Pre-Staging

Performed at our tech center, produces turnkey EPOS terminals that can be shipped directly to your store so all you need to do is unpack them and plug them in.

Site Management Services

Such as liaison with your site construction team, network cabling company, merchant services provider and any other third-party suppliers you have contracted to get your store EPOS systems up and running.